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ABF Masterpoint Centre

Masterpoint Centre News

Going Digital

4-Mar-25 The ABF Board have decided to stop issuing the physical paper registration cards and ranking certificates. Instead the Board will investigate a digital solution instead.

The Centre will continue to issue the paper ranking certificates whilst stock lasts. But the registration cards will immediately cease being printed and mailed to clubs.

In the March update when we normally print the 30000+ registration cards that will not happen this year. We hope to have a digital solution in place by then, but it is possible there might be a short delay. Rest assured we are progressing a solution as fast as possible.

Monthly deadline

3-Nov-15 As shown on the top right of our home page, the monthly deadline is 4:00pm AEDT on the 1st day of the month.

Club awards must be received by the Centre by that time each month if you want them included in the monthly update.

Very simple. 4pm on the 1st of every month.