Players' ranks advance as their quantity and colour of masterpoints increases. From 1 January 2021, the titles of ranks that used stars in the rank name
(e.g. ** Local) have their stars replaced by either "bronze" for one-star ranks or "silver" for two-star ranks. This applies to Local, Regional, State and National, and is consistent with terminology used in the upper ranks.
Rank | Points needed | Including red/gold | Including gold | Short name 1 | Single letter 1 |
Nil | 0 | | | Nil | a |
Graduate | 2 | | | Graduate | b |
Club | 5 | | | Club | c |
Local | 15 | | | Local | d |
Bronze Local | 25 | | | *Local | e |
Silver Local | 35 | | | **Local | f |
Regional | 50 | | | Regional | g |
Bronze Regional | 100 | | | *Regional | h |
State | 50 | 25 | | State | i |
Bronze State | 100 | 50 | | *State | j |
National | 150 | 75 | | National | k |
Bronze National | 200 | 100 | | *National | l |
Silver National | 300 | 150 | | **Nationa | m |
Life | 300 | 180 | 30 2 | Life | n |
Bronze Life | 400 | 240 | 40 2 | Bronze Lf | o |
Silver Life | 500 | 300 | 50 2 | Silver Lf | p |
Gold Life | 750 | 450 | 75 2 | Gold Life | q |
Grand | 1000 | 700 | 200 3 | Grand | r |
Silver Grand | 2500 | 1900 | 600 3 | Silver Gr | s |
Gold Grand | 5000 | 4000 | 1400 3 | Gold Gran | t |
Emerald Grand | 10000 | 8500 | 3000 3 | Emerald G | u |
Diamond Grand | 15000 | 13000 | 5000 3 | Diamond G | v |
1 The short name and single letter abbreviations are used in the National export file. The new MPCData file uses the full Rank Name.
2 For determining eligibility for promotion to these ranks, 20% of red points earned prior to 1982 will be counted as additional gold points.
3 For determining eligibility for promotion to these ranks, 40% of red points earned prior to 1982 will be counted as additional gold points.