Downloading the National Files
National.exe is a self-extracting "archive" file available from our Downloads page. This means that the file contains a number of other files inside, which will be "unpacked" once the file is opened. Once opened, the following files will be extracted:
Note - the file HISTORY.TXT, contains all player awards and the events, is no longer provided. Contact the Masterpoint Centre if you still need this file each month. The Nat4Win.exe program is no longer part of the packed monthly file, as it doesn't change from month to month. If needed, can be downloaded here as a program file (nat4win.exe) or as a zip file ( Information on the structure of these files can be found on our Download File Structure - National Files page. To make sure that you have the latest files, check the date of the .TXT files. Alternatively, the first line of national.txt shows the effective date of the report.
Using the Nat4Win program |
The NAT4WIN program uses the above National download files which need to be in the same folder as the Nat4Win program. Nat4Win offers the following features:
A full description of the functions and their uses is available in the NAT4WIN help file. |
Using the new MPCData Files
This self-extracting archive contains 3 files:
These are in an alternative format to the TXT files above, and this will be more flexible when adding data or changing data structure in the future. They can be opened in Excel, and will be automatically formatted into columns, with column headings. Remember though, some earlier versions of Excel cannot open CSV files containing more than 32,768 rows. The Players.csv file contains over 80,000 rows. Information on the structure of these files can be found on our Download File Structure - MPCData Files page.