Administration log in
ABF Masterpoint Centre

Latest close-off: 28-Feb-25
Next close-off: 4pm AEDT on 1st April

ABF MPC logo

Welcome to the ABF Masterpoints Centre web site.

The Masterpoint Centre is the home to all things related to masterpoints in Australia. Players can look up their masterpoints details, and clubs and congress convenors can upload files of awards.

Use the menu at the left to navigate the site. Clubs requiring access to the clubs-only features must log in first, using the link at the top of the page.


4-Mar-25 The ABF Board have decided to stop issuing the physical paper registration cards and ranking certificates. Instead the Board will investigate a digital solution instead.

The Centre will continue to issue the paper ranking certificates whilst stock lasts. But the registration cards will immediately cease being printed and mailed to clubs.

In the March update when we normally print the 30000+ registration cards that will not happen this year. We hope to have a digital solution in place by then, but it is possible there might be a short delay. Rest assured we are progressing a solution as fast as possible.