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ABF Masterpoint Centre

Masterpoint Centre Capitation Fees

The Masterpoint Centre charges annual capitation fees to member clubs based on the number of home club members as at 31 March each year.

During the March quarter, Clubs need to notify the Masterpoint Centre of players who are no longer home club members. This is done on the Membership Cancellations page. These cancellation requests will be processed by the Masterpoint Centre as at 31 March, prior to issuing invoices for the annual capitation fees. Invoices will be sent out during April each year.

Clubs will be charged in respect of all players who are listed as home club members as at 31 March, except those for whom cancellation has been requested. There is no provision for credits, so it is important that Clubs perform this task before midnight on 31 March each year.

Any player whose membership is cancelled in this way becomes Inactive. They can be reactivated by their home club's choosing the Reactivation option, or by the player transferring their home membership to another club.

Masterpoints earned while a player is inactive may be lost. Information about capitation fees can be found on the Fees and Charges page.